Monday, June 8, 2009

We're coming home

It has been decided that the best route to go right now is to put another line back in. The antibiotics that Chase has been taking have been giving him some major diarrhea. With that comes loss of fluids and the possibility of dehydration. The alternative would be to stay here while they run the antibiotics, wait for his gut to "go back to normal", then see how he responds to being off of the TPN and fluids. Now the last time he took antibiotics, it took 2 weeks for his gut to get back to normal. We all decided that it would be best to get him home, get through the antibiotics, push feeds, and aggressively ween him off of the TPN at home.

As much as we love Children's Boston, home is still the best. He has become afraid of the nurses because for a week straight he was getting an IV put in EVERY DAY!!!! Sometimes more than once. We finally got a PICC (semi-permanent IV), but the fear had already set in. And as Dr. Puder says: Parents know what's best for their child. I think I could get him off of this stuff and his line out better than anyone else. I know my son and his needs and what's best for him.......I think :)

The good news is, we are going to be off and free VERY SOON! Our (me, Randall, and Dr. Puder) goal is to get his line taken out during his July clinic visit. So just a little over a month. So he gets the new line in tomorrow and we'll be heading home Wednesday. Colton, mommy's coming home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Prayer requests: 1. no line infections with the new line 2. quick recovery from the antibiotics 3. Chase gains weight quickly 4. Chase successfully weens himself off the the TPN and fluids and the line gets removed in July!!!!

Thanks for everyones support. We are almost there!!!!!!!!!! We were hoping he'd be line free for his birthday and he probably would have if it hadn't been for the infection. But our appointment is July 23rd. Only 20 days after his birthday. We'll take it!!!!!


  1. Believing and knowing that Victory is right around the corner. Little guy you be strong and get back here safe and sound. Your big brother was stealing the show yesterday in Church with his Amens. Praise God!! If only we all could be child like in our Faith. We love you all!!! Miss you!!! Love,

  2. Hope you all are home and doing well. I like the line free by the end of july plan. Hopefully we will see a happy and fat Chase in a few weeks.
    Abby and Gib
