Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hey everyone. Well, since docs don't work on the weekend, it looks like we'll be shooting for Tuesday for discharge. Chase is doing great, blood cultures continue to be negative and no fevers. He is back up to his normal amount on feedings and frankly, he is just a big wiggle worm. Seriously, I should have some buff arms before he starts walking :)~ He's all over the place.

As soon as we get home I'll post some pics of our hospital visit for you. Right now I'm borrowing mom's computer (Thanks Mom!) and can't download on her files.

On a side note: Please watch a TV interview of a family going through the wait of a small bowel transplant. Those of you who have followed us from the beginning.....we aren't the only ones praying for poop!!!!!!!!! Go to, click on Nightline at the top of the site, and watch "the boy who could not eat" Part 2 first, and then Part 1 (they must have gotten it backwards).

Hope to see some familiar faces soon! I missed Uncle Cecil and Aunt Rita's visit today while I went home to pick up Chase's meds. Sorry Uncle Cecil and Aunt Rita, I love y'all!!!!!


  1. Hey Little Frog this is Aunt Dawn so happy to hear the good news. Watch the interview on the little boy who had the transplant, what a miracle! I thank God for taking care of you, mommy, daddy and big brother. He is the Greatest Doctor and I know He will continue His Great work. Love ya All Hugs and Kisses

  2. My grandson, Sam O'Connor, is number 96 (I think). He has Microvillous Inclusion Disease, so I know what you are going through. I am a big believer in Omegaven and tell anyone that will listen about it. Dr. Puder is truly a miracle worker, and I thank God for him everyday. I hope your little one goes on to do everything he wants to do.
    Kit Freeman
